New DIY Zine
CQ zine is produced by Creative Quarter artists Susan McKenna of Fat Hen And Flo and Sam Capell and relies on a small army of covert...
JOB VACANCY: Public Programmes Co-ordinator
We are looking to recruit a new member of our team to help us with our public engagement programme with a particular focus on schools...
Xmas lights in the Quarter
Christmas Lights and Bright Ideas Lantern Parade Friday 22 November 5pm starts from Folkestone town centre Join us for a parade from...
Christmas Lights Parade
Christmas Lights and Bright Ideas Lantern Parade Friday 22 November 5pm starts from Folkestone town centre Join us for a parade from...
Mosaic QR Codes
One of the finest mosaic artists in the country works right here in the Creative Quarter. You can find her most days working away in...
CQ writer has play on Radio 4
The Creative Quarter's very own playwright Stephan Wakelam has a new play coming soon to BBC Radio 4. On Monday September 2nd at 2.15...
Simon Davenport Exhibition
The Creative Quarter's very own Simon Davenport will be presenting a new range of works especially for his exhibition at The Toolshed....
Arts and culture - funding, participation and value
On Tuesday 3 December the Creative Foundation's very own Chief Executive Alastair Upton will be talking as part of a seminar about...
Quarterhouse Garden Party
Summer is rapidly vanishing before our eyes. Soon the nights will be getting longer and those lazy summer days will be just a fading...
Folkestone seafront plans approved
It has been a long time coming, but finally developments have been given the go ahead for the Folkestone seafront development. An almost...
School for Creative Startups arrives in Folkestone
Next month the Creative Quarter welcomes a new family member in the form of the School for Creative Startups. School for Creative...
Open Air Museum of the Everyday
That forgotten piece of land that fills the void between Quarterhouse, The Old High Street and Grace Hill (otherwise known as Payers...