Martin Wolf, author of The Shifts and Shocks: What We’ve Learned - and Have Still to Learn - from the Financial Crisis (2015), joins us to discuss the current economic climate and the challenges that lie ahead, both nationally and globally.
This event is also part of the Folkestone Book Festival Digital Pass. By booking a Digital Pass you'll be able to access all the talks and events and revisit anything you missed for up to a week after the festival.
You will need to order your pass at least 24 hours before the start of the first event you wish to attend.
Wolf is the associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times. He joined the World Bank in 1971 and ten years later became Director of Studies at the Trade Policy Research Centre in London. He joined the Financial Times in 1987 and since 1999 has been a forum fellow at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. He was a member of the UK government's Independent Commission on Banking in 2010-2011. He was awarded the CBE for services to financial journalism and is a visiting fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford University, and a special professor at the University of Nottingham.
This clear-sighted study of the financial crisis raises the question of how to change a corrupted political system.
- The Guardian
This event will be chaired by Simon Youel.
A copy of their book can be found on the CCCU website (canterbury.ac.uk)
This year the Festival will be presented online and in-person wherever possible and in line with the latest government guidance. You can find more information about the Festival here.
This event is a Folkestone Book Festival screened event at Quarterhouse. Speakers will be streamed live from their homes to our auditorium for a limited audience. All events can also be enjoyed online as part of our Digital Pass.
Creative Folkestone Book Festival is made possible thanks to the generous support of our funders and partners. We are proud to welcome the return of NewsNow as our Principal Partner for the Creative Folkestone Book Festival.