Venice Agendas 2017: The Contract
Sat 23 Sep, 1pm - 4pm
The Venice Agendas Hub will be situated at
Eleto Chocolate Cafe, 12 - 14 Rendezvous St
Venice Agendas 2017: The Contract is a programme of events including an exhibition, a publication, talks and performances in London, Venice, Margate and now for its final leg concludes in Folkestone.
On Saturday 23 September the project arrives in Folkestone with a day of pop-up projects and performances. If you want to participate, perform or just experience the events check the Venice Agendas website.
Monica Ross: Act of Memory
You are invited to participate in the recitation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as part of Monica Ross’ work Act of Memory. The performance will take place at 3.30pm on Saturday 23 September in Folkestone at a location to be announced soon. Each recitation will be recorded and edited into a final film that includes performances from Venice in May 2017 and from Turner Contemporary in June 2017. Click here for more info
Denise Ackerl: Occupy Folkestone
Occupy Folkestone is a participatory performance where the public are invited to take part in a protest choreography workshop developed from the Occupy Wall street movement. Click here for more info
Athelstan Sound: Contract as Score
Athelstan Sound is a group of musicians, non-musicians and listeners who meet every month in Margate to explore sound and listening through participatory workshops. For Contract as Score the group will explore the idea of the contract through an open musical score to be performed in locations around Folkestone on the day of the event.
Alistair Gentry: Opportunity, Unfortunately
Opportunity, Unfortunately is a performance designed by Gentry to address issues around artist payments. Dressed in a costume of “an artist”, Gentry will approach various local businesses asking for goods and services in exchange for “exposure” or “future benefits for their career.”
Young In Hong: Echoes
Echoes is a relay of one person’s protest, realised through individual performances testifying to the idea of equality through individually different ways of expression. Accompanying an original soundtrack by Young In Hong (which is audible only to the performer), each participant improvises a live response. If you play any portable instrument you can take with you, or sing, or do voice/sound-based performance, you can participate in Echoes. Please email echoesinfo2017@gmail.com with your contact details for more information.
Aaron Williamson
Williamson’s work is informed by his experience of becoming deaf and by a politicised, yet humorous sensibility towards disability. At a University of California San Diego lecture in 1998, Williamson coined the term ‘Deaf Gain’ as a counter-emphasis to ‘hearing loss’. Williamson will devise a new performance work for The Contract.
For more info click here or queries please email info@veniceagendas.eu