Folkestone Quarterhouse
Wednesday 21 February, 7pm
codeHarbour is a technology meetup group in Kent. Every month they meet to share ideas, stories and techniques around design, development, process, community and much more, covering all aspects of technology. The event is free and open to anyone interested in technology.
The Creative Foundation will be hosting this month’s codeHarbour at Folkestone Quarterhouse on Wednesday 21 February at 7 pm. There are some exciting talks lined up for this month, suitable for all audiences regardless of tech knowledge.
Alastair Upton and Struan Bartlett will be discussing their project on turning Folkestone into a ‘createch’ hub, a literal codeHarbour. Stuart Stobie will also be discussing the misconceptions surrounding Gamification, the fascinating psychology behind it and the lessons we really should be learning from the games that inspire it.
For more information about the event and to RSVP, please click here.