The Old High Street, 16 & 23 June, 2-4pm
Steep Street Coffee House, 16 June, 5.30-6.30pm
The Woodshed Gallery, 20 June, 1.30-3.30pm and 6.30-7.45pm
Join Poets’ Corner for street poetry, a workshop and performances with Dave Horn, Faith Warn and Anthony White. On both Saturday afternoons they invite poets and passers-by to join them for street poetry on The Old High Street. On Saturday 16 June this will be followed by a performance at Steep Street Coffee House with music by Nicola Casey.
Don’t miss a poetry workshop at the Woodshed Gallery on Wednesday 20 June. You are invited to craft poetry inspired by the art of Amanda Wood and Laura Froude on themes of female form, journeys, memories and imagination. An evening performance of the work created takes place at 6.30pm. Workshop booking essential – folkestonepoetscorner@gmail.com