Are you over 16 years old and live in the Folkestone and Hythe area?
Have you always been interested in making, drawing and taking photos? Have you wanted to try more creative subjects, but been unable to take them at school or college? Or are you thinking about applying to college and university and want support with your portfolio?
If so then FOLKESTONE IS AN ART SCHOOL have a few places left, so get in touch!
This six week project, offers creative workshops ranging from making a camera obscura, to casting objects in plaster and creating a blog. You will also get a mentor who will support your ideas by offering practical and creative advice.
You can nominate yourself, or if you know someone who would enjoy this opportunity, then tell them to get in touch.
Workshops take place on Saturdays and Sundays from 22 September to 29 October, just let the team know which days work for you. All workshops are free and materials are provided. There will also be creative and critical writing sessions on some Wednesday afternoons, where you will be supported in learning about art criticism and journalism, and get to create your own blog.
For more information and an application form, email liv@livpennington.com. The deadline for applications is Friday 7 September.