We are dedicated to transforming the creative life of Folkestone, the town and district through our projects and programmes of artistic excellence.
To help us fulfil this mission we are guided by our board and sub committee's. We are currently seeking new members for the Visual Arts Sub-Committee of Creative Folkestone's main board.
The sub committee works with the staff team and advises the board on two areas:
- The Creative Folkestone Triennial, the UK’s largest exhibition of newly commissioned works.
- The Creative Folkestone Artworks, the UK’s largest exhibition of contemporary art in an urban environment.
We are seeking people with significant senior experience in the visual arts, exhibitions, audience development and who have a positive interest in the work of Creative Folkestone and the future of the town and district.
The committee meets four times a year, but advice might be sought between meetings. Some attendance at events would be expected in order to understand the work of the committee fully.
The post is voluntary. It is an advisory position and has no formal legal, charitable obligations or responsibilities.
If you are interested in this position please click here for more information on how to apply. The deadline for applications is Tuesday 15 September.
For further information please contact Penni Pierce pennipierce@creativefolkestone.org.uk