Arts Award Supporter
Creative Folkestone is an Arts Award supporter. We offer activities for children and young people who are working towards their Arts Award.
Arts Award is a nationally recognised qualification for children and young people aged 7 – 25 years old. Discover and Explore Arts Awards are specifically designed for primary school children. Arts Award can be delivered in a number of different ways: as part of the curriculum, as part of a lunchtime club or after school club or as part of a special arts week at your school.
Creative Folkestone is proud to be working in partnership with schools and settings on their Artsmark Award journey. By supporting Artsmark settings, we’re helping put the arts at the heart of education, inspiring young people to create, experience and participate in high quality arts and culture.
Find out more about Artsmark at www.artsmark.org.uk
To find out how Creative Folkestone can support your Artsmark journey, contact Tania McCormack by email at taniamccormack@creativefoundation.org.uk or by calling 01303 769241
How can you be involved?
Attend annual Open Quarter weekend, Book Festival, other annual festivals
Experience the work of artists around Folkestone
Attend a tour, talk, workshops or family workshop
Find out about artists and arts activities in your area and beyond, and research arts training and opportunities
Review a show/exhibition or event attend a festival or an author/illustrator talk
Take part in a range of arts activities and events offered at Folkestone Quarterhouse