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Tracey Emin

Tracey Emin

Baby Things, 2008

Tracey Emin’s art is one of disclosure, using events from her personal life as inspiration for her work. Baby Things, Emin’s perfect bronze simulacra of baby clothes can be found tucked underneath benches, hanging from railings and lying by a kerb. Exuding an aura of the forlorn and dejected, they are poignant reminders of Folkestone’s high teenage pregnancy rate, which is similar to that of Margate, Emin’s home town.

Please note that the artwork in Mill Bay, is at the back of digital:glassworks, near the railings.

The artwork on Sandgate Road has been removed for the Levelling Up, Folkestone A Brighter Future town centre improvements.

Audio guide

Tracey Emin Baby Things, 2008. Photo by Thierry Bal

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